[WIP] Implement growth assessment using WHO indicators #80

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@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ defmodule Growth.Calc.Age do
Calculate the age in months.
@type precision :: :day | :week | :month | :year
# NOTE: (jpd): based on [WHO instructions][0]
# [0]: https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/child-growth/child-growth-standards/indicators/instructions-en.pdf
@day_in_month 30.4375
@ -10,16 +12,22 @@ defmodule Growth.Calc.Age do
@day_in_week 7.0
@doc """
Calculate the age with the precision of day, or week, or month. For age in weeks or months, considers completed ones, removing decimal value.
Calculate the age with the precision of `:day`, or `:week`, or `:month`, considering the measurement date as today.
If only date of birth is available, assumes that measurement date is today.
For age in weeks or months, considers completed ones, removing decimal value.
@spec calculate(:day | :week | :month, Date.t(), Date.t()) :: pos_integer()
@spec calculate(precision(), Date.t(), Date.t()) :: pos_integer()
def calculate(precision, date_of_birth) do
calculate(precision, date_of_birth, Date.utc_today())
@doc """
Calculate the age with the precision of `:day`, or `:week`, or `:month`.
For age in weeks or months, considers completed ones, removing decimal value.
def calculate(:month, date_of_birth, date_of_measurement) do
|> calculate(date_of_birth, date_of_measurement)