defmodule SlaxWeb.ChatRoomLive do @moduledoc false use SlaxWeb, :live_view alias Slax.Repo alias Slax.Chat.Room def render(assigns) do ~H"""


<.room_link :for={room <- @rooms} room={room} active={ ==} />

#<%= %>

<%= if @hide_topic? do %> [Topic hidden] <% else %> <%= @room.topic %> <% end %>
""" end def mount(params, _session, socket) do [room | _] = rooms = Repo.all(Room) # NOTE: (jpd) on the lesson **15 path params and routes** the author makes a new call to the database. I changed # this behaviour and fetch the room from the list. room = Enum.find( rooms, &(Integer.to_string(& == Map.get(params, "id", Integer.to_string( ) {:ok, assign(socket, hide_topic?: false, room: room, rooms: rooms)} end def handle_event("toggle-topic", _params, socket) do {:noreply, update(socket, :hide_topic?, &(!&1))} end attr :active, :boolean, required: true attr :room, Room, required: true defp room_link(assigns) do ~H""" <.icon name="hero-hashtag" class="h-4 w-4" /> <%= %> """ end end