A lot of updates in my personal development environment:
## Additions
1. Command lines and runtimes:
1. [`ctlptl`][2]: `cli` to make local `kubernetes` cluster management easier
1. [`eksctl`][3]: `cli` to make `eks` cluster management easier
1. [`r`][4]: software environment for statistical computing and graphics
1. [`usage`][5]: specification for `cli`s, used by `mise`
1. Aliases:
1. `dc`: for `docker compose`
2. `k`: for `kubectl`
1. Moar `lsp`s:
1. [`cuelsp`][8]: for the [`cue`][9], with [`dagger`][10] support
1. [`jsonls`][11]: for `json` schemas
1. [`r-languageserver`][12]: for the [`r`][4] environment
1. [`yamlls`][13]: for `yaml` schemas
1. Auto-completion for:
1. [`ctlptl`][2]
1. [`eksctl`][3]
1. `helm`
1. `k3d`
1. `k9s`
1. `kubectl`
1. `lefthook`
1. `mise`
## Upgrades
1. Runtimes:
1. [`elixir` from 1.16.2 to 1.17.0][0]
1. [`erlang` from 26.2.5 to 27.0][1]
1. [`kickstart.nvim` to latest commit][6]
1. [Installation of `atuin`][7]
Reviewed-on: #52
[0]: https://elixir-lang.org/blog/2024/06/12/elixir-v1-17-0-released/
[1]: https://www.erlang.org/news/170
[2]: https://github.com/tilt-dev/ctlptl
[3]: https://eksctl.io/
[4]: https://www.r-project.org/
[5]: https://usage.jdx.dev/
[6]: 5aeddfdd5d
[7]: https://github.com/atuinsh/atuin?tab=readme-ov-file#install
[8]: https://github.com/dagger/cuelsp
[9]: https://cuelang.org/
[10]: https://dagger.io/
[11]: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-json-languageservice
[12]: https://github.com/REditorSupport/languageserver
[13]: https://github.com/redhat-developer/yaml-language-server
Co-authored-by: Joao P Dubas <joao.dubas+gitea@gmail.com>
Co-committed-by: Joao P Dubas <joao.dubas+gitea@gmail.com>
43 lines
709 B
43 lines
709 B
awscli = "2.15.49"
bat = "0.24.0"
bitwarden = "2024.4.1"
circleci-cli = "0.1.30549"
ctlptl = "0.8.29"
dagger = "0.11.4"
eksctl = "0.180.0"
elixir = "1.17.0-otp-27"
erlang = "27.0"
eza = "0.18.15"
fzf = "0.52.1"
go = "1.22.3"
helm = "3.14.4"
k3d = "5.6.3"
k3sup = "0.13.5"
k9s = "0.32.4"
kind = "0.22.0"
kubectl = "1.30.0"
kubie = "0.23.0"
lefthook = "1.6.11"
lua = "5.4.6"
luajit = "2.0.5--2.4.4"
node = "22.1.0"
poetry = "1.8.3"
python = "3.12.3"
r = "4.4.0"
ripgrep = "14.1.0"
rust = "1.78.0"
starship = "1.18.2"
task = "3.37.2"
terraform = "1.8.3"
tilt = "0.33.13"
tmux = "3.4"
usage = "0.3.0"
usql = "0.19.1"
yarn = "1.22.19"
zoxide = "0.9.4"
experimental = true
python_compile = true