-- You can add your own plugins here or in other files in this directory! -- I promise not to create any merge conflicts in this directory :) -- -- See the kickstart.nvim README for more information return { { 'joaodubas/gitlinker.nvim', config = function () local actions = require('gitlinker.actions') local hosts = require('gitlinker.hosts') require('gitlinker').setup({ opts = { remote = "origin", add_current_line_on_normal_mode = true, action_callback = actions.copy_to_clipboard, print_url = true, }, callbacks = { ["github.com"] = hosts.get_github_type_url, ["bitbucket.org"] = hosts.get_bitbucket_type_url, ["gitea.dubas.dev"] = hosts.get_gitea_type_url, }, mappings = "gy" }) end }, { 'rest-nvim/rest.nvim', dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' }, ft = { 'http', 'rest' }, opts = { result_split_horizontal = false, result_split_in_place = false, skip_ssl_verification = false, encode_url = true, highlight = { enabled = true, timeout = 15 }, result = { show_url = true, show_curl_command = true, show_http_info = true, show_headers = true, formatters = { json = 'jq', html = false }, jump_to_request = true, env_file = '.env', custom_dynamic_variables = { }, yank_dry_run = true } }, keys = function () local status_ok, which_key = pcall(require, 'which-key') if status_ok then which_key.register({ ['t'] = { name = 'Res[t]', _ = 'which_key_ignore' } }) end return { { 'tr', 'RestNvim', desc = 'Run the request under cursor' }, { 'tp', 'RestNvimPreview', desc = 'Preview the curl command for the request under cursor' }, { 'tl', 'RestNvimLast', desc = 'Re-run the last request' } } end }, { 'Vigemus/iron.nvim', config = function () local iron = require('iron.core') iron.setup({ config = { scratch_repl = true, repl_definition = { sh = { command = { 'fish' } }, elixir = require('iron.fts.elixir').iex, javascript = require('iron.fts.javascript').node, python = require('iron.fts.python').ipython, typescript = require('iron.fts.typescript').ts } } }) end } }