# ide This is my **personal development environment** (PDE) based on [`fish`][fish], [`neovim`][neovim], [`mise`][mise] and [`docker`][docker]. ## programs ### [`docker`][docker] All my workflow revolves around running containers for my services. So, for now, I'm still using [`docker`][docker] and their extensions, mainly, [`compose`][docker-compose] to define those services. #### kubernetes I still need to learn a lot about it, but to make navigation between contexts and namespaces easier, I'm using [`kubie`][kubie]. In the near future I want to experiment with [`k3d`][k3d] and [`tilt`][tilt] to make simulations about my system environment easier to reproduce locally, and the transition to production smoother. ### terminal For the terminal, that's the place were I spent most of time, the following is used: * [`fish`][fish]: there is nothing fancy about it * [`starship`][starship]: this is what makes my shell beautiful * [`zoxide`][zoxide]: change between directories has never been easier * [`eza`][eza]: just to make `ls` informative and interesting * [`bat`][bat]: a better `cat` * [`ripgrep`][ripgrep]: a better `grep` * [`tmux`][tmux]: handling multiple panes, windows, and sessions is a must in my workflow * among the aspects to improve, one that is on my sight is the integration with [`neovim`][neovim] * [`tmuxp`][tmuxp]: to manage my different sessions * I still want to give a try to [`tmux-resurrect`][tmux-resurrect] and [`tmux-continuum`][tmux-continuum] ### programming languages In my day-to-day I use: * `elixir` * `python` * with `poetry` handling dependencies, whenever is possible * `javascript` + `node` [fish]: https://fishshell.com/ [neovim]: https://neovim.io/ [mise]: https://mise.jdx.dev/ [docker]: https://www.docker.com/ [docker-compose]: https://docs.docker.com/compose/ [kubie]: https://github.com/sbstp/kubie [k3d]: https://k3d.io/ [tilt]: https://tilt.dev/ [starship]: https://starship.rs/ [zoxide]: https://github.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide [eza]: https://eza.rocks/ [bat]: https://github.com/sharkdp/bat [ripgrep]: https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep [tmux]: https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki [tmuxp]: https://tmuxp.git-pull.com/ [tmux-resurrect]: https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect [tmux-continuum]: https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-continuum