Upgrade default system runtimes and clis #17

joao.dubas merged 4 commits from jpd-chore-upgrade-system into main 2023-11-24 14:41:40 +00:00

This PR changes the following:

  • Upgrade runtimes and cli's:
    • awscli from 2.13.30 to 2.13.38
    • go from 1.21.3 to 1.21.4
    • helm from 3.13.1 to 3.13.2
    • kubectl from 1.27.7 to 1.28.4
    • lefthook from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3
    • node from 21.1.0 to 21.2.0
    • poetry from 1.6.1 to 1.7.1
    • terraform from 1.6.2 to 1.6.4
  • Upgrade kickstart.nvim to the latest version
  • Add tilt to make it easier to handle multiple services
  • Map key to open terminal vertically in neovim
  • Add aliases to cli's in fish
This PR changes the following: * Upgrade runtimes and cli's: * `awscli` from 2.13.30 to 2.13.38 * `go` from 1.21.3 to 1.21.4 * `helm` from 3.13.1 to 3.13.2 * `kubectl` from 1.27.7 to 1.28.4 * `lefthook` from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3 * `node` from 21.1.0 to 21.2.0 * `poetry` from 1.6.1 to 1.7.1 * `terraform` from 1.6.2 to 1.6.4 * Upgrade `kickstart.nvim` to the latest version * Add [`tilt`][0] to make it easier to handle multiple services * Map key to open terminal vertically in `neovim` * Add aliases to cli's in `fish` [0]: https://tilt.dev
joao.dubas added 4 commits 2023-11-24 13:46:52 +00:00
Also add some treesitter parsers:

1. gitcommit
2. markdown_inline
3. toml
4. yaml
Also add [tilt][0] to make easier work locally with containers services.

[0]: https://tilt.dev/
joao.dubas changed title from WIP Upgrade default system runtimes and clis to WIP: Upgrade default system runtimes and clis 2023-11-24 13:47:11 +00:00
joao.dubas changed title from WIP: Upgrade default system runtimes and clis to Upgrade default system runtimes and clis 2023-11-24 14:37:49 +00:00
joao.dubas merged commit 0800fe0c4c into main 2023-11-24 14:41:40 +00:00
joao.dubas deleted branch jpd-chore-upgrade-system 2023-11-24 14:41:40 +00:00
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Reference: joao.dubas/ide#17
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