defmodule Growth.Calc.ZScore do @moduledoc """ Calculate z-score for a given measurement and the fitted values of Box-Cox by age/height: * **power** `t:l/0` * **median** `t:m/0` * **coefficientof variation** `t:s/0` This calculation is described in the [instructions provided by the World Health Organization]( ## Examples: iex> measures = ...> [ ...> [30, -1.7862, 16.9392, 0.1107], ...> [14, -1.3592, 20.4951, 0.12579], ...> [19, -1.6318, 16.049, 0.10038] ...> ] iex>, &apply(Growth.Calc.ZScore, :compute, &1)) [3.35390255606726, -3.7985108865993493, 1.4698319520484722] """ @typedoc """ The **power** value in Box-Cox transformation. """ @type l :: number() @typedoc """ The **median** value in Box-Cox transformation. """ @type m :: number() @typedoc """ The **coefficient of variation** in Box-Cox transformation. """ @type s :: number() @spec compute(number(), l(), m(), s()) :: number() @doc """ Compute the adjusted z-score for a given measurement (`y`) and the Box-Cox values: power (`l`), median (`m`), and coefficient of variation (`s`). ## Examples: iex> Growth.Calc.ZScore.compute(30, -1.7862, 16.9392, 0.1107) 3.35390255606726 iex> Growth.Calc.ZScore.compute(14, -1.3592, 20.4951, 0.12579) -3.7985108865993493 iex> Growth.Calc.ZScore.compute(19, -1.6318, 16.049, 0.10038) 1.4698319520484722 """ def compute(y, l, m, s) do y |> raw(l, m, s) |> adjust(y, l, m, s) end @spec raw(number(), l(), m(), s()) :: number() @doc """ Compute the raw z-score for a given measurement (`y`) and the Box-Cox values, power (`l`), median (`m`), and coefficient of variation (`s`). ## Examples iex> Growth.Calc.ZScore.raw(30, -1.7862, 16.9392, 0.1107) 3.2353902101095855 iex> Growth.Calc.ZScore.raw(14, -1.3592, 20.4951, 0.12579) -3.969714730727475 iex> Growth.Calc.ZScore.compute(19, -1.6318, 16.049, 0.10038) 1.4698319520484722 """ def raw(y, l, m, s) do (:math.pow(y / m, l) - 1) / (s * l) end @spec adjust(number(), number(), l(), m(), s()) :: number() @doc """ Adjust the raw z-score considering that extreme values, beyond -3 and 3 standard deviation, must be handled differently. """ def adjust(zscore, y, l, m, s) when zscore > 3 do [sd2, sd3, _, _] = cutoffs(l, m, s) sd_delta = sd3 - sd2 3 + (y - sd3) / sd_delta end def adjust(zscore, y, l, m, s) when zscore < -3 do [_, _, sd2, sd3] = cutoffs(l, m, s) sd_delta = sd2 - sd3 -3 + (y - sd3) / sd_delta end def adjust(zscore, _, _, _, _) do zscore end @spec cutoffs(number(), number(), number()) :: [number()] @doc """ Calculate the standard deviations cutoffs (2, 3, -2, and -3) for a given set of fitted Box-Cox values: power (`l`), median (`m`), and coefficient of variation (`s`). These cutoffs are used to calculate the adjusted z-score. """ def cutoffs(l, m, s) do[2, 3, -2, -3], &measure_at_standard_deviation(&1, l, m, s)) end @spec measure_at_standard_deviation(integer(), number(), number(), number()) :: number() @doc """ Calculate the measure value at a given standard deviation (`sd`), considering the fitted Box-Cox values: power (`l`), median (`m`), and coefficient of variation (`s`). """ def measure_at_standard_deviation(sd, l, m, s) do m * :math.pow(1 + l * s * sd, 1 / l) end end