defmodule Growth.Calc.Centile do @moduledoc """ Calculate the value of measurement at a given z-score and fitted values of Box-Cox by age/height: * **power** `t:Growth.Calc.ZScore.l/0` * **median** `t:Growth.Calc.ZScore.m/0` * **coefficientof variation** `t:Growth.Calc.ZScore.s/0` This calculation is described in the [instructions provided by the World Health Organization]( ## Examples: iex> measures = ...> [ ...> [-3.0, -1.7862, 16.9392, 0.1107], ...> [2, -1.3592, 20.4951, 0.12579], ...> [-1.2, -1.6318, 16.049, 0.10038] ...> ] iex>, &apply(Growth.Calc.Centile, :compute, &1)) [13.05127032828574, 27.884359024082663, 14.37765739914362] """ alias Growth.Calc.ZScore @spec compute(number(), ZScore.l(), ZScore.m(), ZScore.s()) :: number() | :na @doc """ Compute the measurement value for a given z-score and the Box-Cox values: power (`l`), median (`m`), and coefficient of variation (`s`). Returns the measurement based on the z-score when -3 <= z-score <= 3; otherwise, `:na.` ## Examples: iex> Growth.Calc.Centile.compute(0.0, -1.6318, 16.049, 0.10038) 16.049 """ def compute(z_score, l, m, s) when -3 <= z_score and z_score <= 3 do m * :math.pow(1 + l * s * z_score, 1 / l) end def compute(_z_score, _l, _m, _s) do :na end end