defmodule Growth.Calc.Percentile do @moduledoc """ Convert the z-score of a given measurement into a cumulative percentile. This calculation is described in the [cumulative distribution function][]. ## Examples iex> z_scores = [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0] iex>, &apply(Growth.Calc.Percentile, :compute, :&1)) [0.15865525393145707, 0.5, 0.8413447460685429] """ @doc """ Convert the z-score of a given measurement into a percentile representation, ranging from 0 to 1. ## Examples iex> Growth.Calc.Percentile.compute(2.0) 0.9772498680518208 iex> Growth.Calc.Percentile.compute(-2.0) 0.02275013194817921 """ @spec compute(number()) :: number() def compute(z_score) do 0.5 * (:math.erf(z_score / :math.sqrt(2)) + 1) end end