chore(growth): name ets tables with score modules

This commit is contained in:
João Paulo Dubas 2024-06-09 19:58:34 +00:00
parent 52c1d0c028
commit 025ab1537d
Signed by: joao.dubas
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:V1mixgOGRc/YMhGx/DNkOSmJxgA2vHNrDZEk3wt/kOA

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@ -4,15 +4,14 @@ defmodule Growth.Indicators.Load do
For each measurement an ets table is created, so the system has the following tables:
* `:arm_circumference_for_age`
* `:bmi_for_age`
* `:head_circumference_for_age`
* `:height_for_age`
* `:subscapular_skinfold_for_age`
* `:telemetry_handler_table`
* `:triceps_skinfold_for_age`
* `:weight_for_age`
* `:weight_for_height`
* `Growth.Score.ArmCircumference`
* `Growth.Score.BMI`
* `Growth.Score.HeadCircumference`
* `Growth.Score.Height`
* `Growth.Score.SubscapularSkinfold`
* `Growth.Score.TricepsSkinfold`
* `Growth.Score.Weight`
* `Growth.Score.WeightForHeight`
The rows in the csv files are converted to two tuple, representing the a key and value, with the following format:
@ -33,6 +32,19 @@ defmodule Growth.Indicators.Load do
alias Growth.Score
@measure_to_score [
arm_circumference_for_age: Score.ArmCircumference,
bmi_for_age: Score.BMI,
head_circumference_for_age: Score.HeadCircumference,
height_for_age: Score.Height,
subscapular_skinfold_for_age: Score.SubscapularSkinfold,
triceps_skinfold_for_age: Score.TricepsSkinfold,
weight_for_age: Score.Weight,
weight_for_height: Score.WeightForHeight
@spec all :: [[boolean()]]
@doc """
Load indicators csv files into their own ets tables.
@ -45,14 +57,19 @@ defmodule Growth.Indicators.Load do
|> Task.await_many()
@spec create_ets(String.t()) :: {:atom, String.t()}
@spec create_ets(String.t()) :: {atom(), String.t()}
@doc """
Create a public ets table for the csv filename, using the file name as the table name.
Returns a tuple with table name as an atom and the filename.
def create_ets(filename) do
measure = filename |> Path.basename() |> Path.rootname() |> String.to_atom()
measure =
|> Path.basename()
|> Path.rootname()
|> String.to_atom()
|> then(&Keyword.get(@measure_to_score, &1, &1))
try do, [:set, :public, :named_table])
@ -64,7 +81,7 @@ defmodule Growth.Indicators.Load do
{measure, filename}
@spec load_measure({:atom, String.t()}) :: [boolean()]
@spec load_measure({atom(), String.t()}) :: [boolean()]
@doc """
Read, convert, and load a measure/filename into the proper ets table.
@ -110,7 +127,7 @@ defmodule Growth.Indicators.Load do
key = {gender, unit, converted_t}
key = {String.to_existing_atom(gender), unit, converted_t}
value = %{
l: as_float(l),